Need to see a Counselor? There are two ways to see a Counselor. We hope to connect with you!

Make an Appointment

Book a 45-minute appointment with the Honors Counselor:

  • You can book appointments by logging into PCC Connect. You will need to provide your 8-digit PCC ID number.
  • Depending on availability, you can make an appointment with one of the Honors counselors 7-14 days in advance of each new appointment date.
  • There are 14 appointments per week. If you are unable to find an appointment, please keep trying or feel free to utilize the General Counseling appointment options.

Make An Appointment in PCC Connect

Honors Express Counseling Zoom

Have a quick question? Chat with our Honors Counselor during their online hours, or leave them a message for when they return!
Chat Hours: M, Tu, W, Th, 11am-12pm (except campus holidays)
Please NOTE – If there is a date where the chat is cancelled, Honors Counseling will notify students via Canvas Announcements, in advance.

Chat With a Counselor

Contact Honors
  • (626) 585-7287
  • Watch the Honors Canvas page for announcements about times for Zoom drop-in hours.

Meet with An Honors Counselor

Use our Live Chat or schedule an appointment to meet with an Honors Counselor.